The project is aimed at pupils aged 4 - 11 years. Education of pupils at primary schools between 4 -
12 ages is difficult while using classical methods - at classrooms, at desks with textbooks, by means
of memorizing and explanations. That is the reason why we all want to improve our educational
methods in more subjects - Geography, History, Literature, Art and foreign languages. We would like
to show to our younger students the look to other European countries with another way, not only to
learn about Europe at the desks, but to travel abroad personally or to meet peers from Europe in
virtual mobilities, videoconferences,... We want to motivate pupils to study independently, to search
for information about the countries of Europe, their geography, history, traditions on the Internet, to
acquire knowledge from presentations, quizzes, games, to create posters, collages and, in particular,
to create their own opinion on the lifestyle, culture and school educational system in European
countries. We will use a big number of funny and interesting methods, various games, riddles,
quizes, songs and painting to achieve the aims of this project and make school subjects and
education more attractive for children. So we will also develop the talent of children in Art, Music,
sport, dance. Because we will use various digital technologies working in this project, such as virtual
mobilities, new ICT Tools, digital camera and video, website, pupils will be more educated in
Informatics and get some experiences working with computer and this way improve their digital skills,

Because of realize some international activities and changing experiences we will organize short-
term exchanges of pupils and short-term joint staff training events at partner schools. We would like
to exchange the best and modern practices in educational process of primary subjects. This activities
will be significant not only for children but also for teachers because we will follow and learn some
innovative teaching methods in partnership schools and consequently test them out at our own
schools. During teacher trainning events we will organize seminars to share our experience with
teaching methods at primary schools and this way our teachers get knowledges about educational
system and methods of other European countries.
The teachers and pupils, who will participate in visits, will be able to join the educational process
actively. Because we will talk most the time in English pupils will be able to improve their
communicative abilities in English.
The pupils from disadvantaged background will be involved in the project activities, too. They will beencouraged to take part in all local activities and also travel abroad. All these aspects will contribute to strengthen their self-confidence, broaden their horizons and it will be great motivation in the learning process. We are sure that these options increase their interest in education and we expect better learning achievements.

This project “My country, your country” has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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Diario de Nikki 9 (Alba Cruz 6º)