POSTCARDS (Present Perfect)

1.- Read the two postcards in pairs, and find an example of change in each.


Dear Thanassis,
I am having a great time here with my brother in the west of England. I think it is the most interesting place I have ever visited. As you know, Stephanos is at university here and so I am staying with him. He has been here for three years and he says the town is not the same since he first arrived here and things have changed. He says that when he first came here it was difficult to get around but over the years that has changed and now they have started new bus routes. As for my news, so far, I have been to the local museum and have learned a lot of things about natural history and wild animals. The paintings in the different rooms were wonderful too. And it didn't cost anything either! After walking around all the galleries, I had a soft drink and a snack. That was good too. I haven't bought any souvenirs yet, but perhaps I will get some tomorrow. Anyway, that's about all for now.

All the best,


Dear Maria,
 I have just been to an amazing exhibition in the Tower of London. The curators of the museum have built a new room only for this exhibition. In fact, I have never seen anything like it before. It is full of all kinds of objects and statues. This is the first time these objects have been outside Russia until now. The exhibition includes priceless objects used in military processions. One of these is the Tzar's Jerico Cap (helmet), which is richly decorated with gold, silver and precious stones. It is exactly as it was when the Tsar wore it and nothing has changed. Admission is included in the price of a ticket to the Tower of London, so it's a good deal. Because I didn't want to queue up for ages, I bought the ticket in advance from the Underground tube station. I saved myself í1.50 by doing this. Anyway, I must go. Speak to you soon!

2.- In pairs, circle the different changes in each postcard. Then use two of the changes as examples to tell your partner about changes you have seen.

For example: They have started a new bus route in our area.

3.-In pairs, find the answers to the following questions about changes in your partner's life and in the area where you both live.

 a) Has anyone built a new block of flats recently?
 b) What new shops have opened in the last few months?
 c) Have your parents changed anything in the house in recent months?
d) Have you bought any new clothes recently?
e) Have you bought any new gadgets in the last few months?
 f) How did these changes affect your life?


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