PEACE DAY “Kindness for Goodness”

How can it be a fact…
That if you hate, life is a constant sigh…
But if you live with kindness,
you hold your head up high?

An unrivalled story, with just one hero of the struggle,
It might not surprise you,…but she was just another, normal, mother.

Kindness for goodness, she would always say
Whenever she uttered it, at the moon she would gaze…

…Encarna is with her, so the moon knows her secret
Observing her legacy and how she ´ll always keep it

She was a Pioneer of sound, and in a man´s world,
She worked as she must, earning the respect she deserved

Kindness was her true allegiance,
but with different habits to the era she lived in,
sometimes, it seemed,
that no one understood them.

A mother of five, whom she raised to be free,
Nacho, Tavi, Oscar, Juanma and the eldest,? Nani

Although that is her family, she was the “mammy of the world”,
She helped in what she could, with some examples like these…
soon to be told…

People without work, she wanted to save,
So she offered them a job
…All that she had, she gave…

In her house with open arms,
she once welcomed a boy she knew,
So he would be sure to have a home,
until his daughter grew

If she ever needed anything, everyone was there
Running around like a good greyhound, to show her that they care

Not because they owed her anything, just to be able to feel it,
The reason she´s admired, that is, and to be able to share this/it

Remembering her with love, everyone always speaks…
Not only of her words… but her selfless good deeds,

Nobody would ever hear,
“That Southern women/Encarna is in a bad mood”
Because she was a smiling gift
-    of goodness and gratitude.

Now  the time has come, to honour her with your attitude
A captivating action, made with gratitude

Made from the heart, not caring what they´ll say…
Like Encarna in her corner,
I ? change this world with one important phrase;

 “He who gives kindness, receives doublé the goodness he gives.”

The End.

By Maeve Murphy & Will Ojarask


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