
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2020

Cubist portrail (Project) GRADE 5

PROJECT Make a cubist portrail 

I can... / I can't....(GRADE 3)


#StayAtHome (Erasmus+)

Nuestros socios de Turquía ,del proyecto Erasmus +,  nos brindan este video de aliento para que permanezcamos en casa también

#StayAtHome 2

St. Patrick's Day 2

GRADE 5 (Friday 3rd April)

ESTE VIERNES NO HABRÁ VIDEOLLAMADAS PORQUE HAREMOS UN JUEGO ONLINE,  KAHOOT EASTER BOOK Page Page 74 NOTEBOOK Page 74, Act.2 WATCH THE VIDEO AND ANSWER THE INTERACTIVE QUESTIONS - link "play modes" - select "interactive mode" - Start WATCH THIS VIDEO (After watching, play the game) VIDEO / GAME FREE GAMES easter eggs counting Easter Whats time Easter multiplication puzzle easter eggs hidden Easter egg candy

GRADE 2 (Friday 3rd April)

NOTEBOOK Copy the date (Today is Friday , 3rd April) - Draw these pictures and write their names. WATCH THIS VIDEO READ THE STORY ONLINE Exercise (Reading) PLAY WITH THE EASTER VOCABULARY Easter (vocabulary) FREE GAMES EASTER EGGS DECORATION EASTER EGGS COUNT EASTER SERIE EASTER PATH Videollamada 2º (nº de Lista e Iniciales de alumn@s convocad@s) Friday 4.- C.D.R 5.- I.G.M. 6.- H.G.G. 7.- M.G.R. 8.- J.G.C

Grade 3 (Friday 3rd April)

EASTER WATCH THIS VIDEO PLAY WITH THE EASTER VOCABULARY Easter (vocabulary) NOTEBOOK - Copy the date (Today is Thursday 2nd April) - Write the Title (EASTER) - Look at these pictures and find out 3 eggs in each picture. then, write sentences. Example: Example: It's next to the candle It's in front of the books It's next to the door. Picture 3 1.- 2.- 3.- Picture 4 1.- 2.- 3.- FREE GAMES EASTER EGGS DECORATION EASTER EGGS COUNT EASTER SERIE EASTER PATH Videollamada 3º (nº de Lista e Iniciales de alumn@s convocad@s) invitacion GRADE 3   FRIDAY (11-17) 11.- A.M.G. 12.- AE.O.E 13.- M.R.A. 14.- B.T.M. 15.- P.V.M. 16.- Y.V.I 17.- N.V.O.


ESTE VIERNES NO HABRÁ VIDEOLLAMADAS PORQUE HAREMOS UN JUEGO ONLINE DE (12 a 12,30) . KAHOOT. ES UNA ACTIVIDAD VOLUNTARIA  (Pero muy divertida), ya hemos jugado otras veces y lo sabeis. Para jugar a este juego habrá que e ntrar el viernes en esta invitación de Skype a las 12H. INVITACION KAHOOT   (Es la misma invitación que el grupo de Skype Grade 5 que usamos habitualmente para las clases) No se podrá conectar la cámara , pero si  el audio,  (Para que todos puedan ver las preguntas en la cámara del teacher). Se necesitarán 2 dispositivos , un dispositivo  para conectarse a Skype  y ver las preguntas, y  otro  dispositivo conectado a internet para introducir el codigo que se indique por Skype y  contestar las preguntas  (Movil, tablet...) Se puede también con 1 solo dispositivo,  habría que abrir Skype para ver las preguntas y una ventana del navegador para contestarlas. Intentaremos hacer 2 partidas si todo va bien. GOOD LUCK


ESTE VIERNES NO HABRÁ VIDEOLLAMADAS PORQUE HAREMOS UN JUEGO ONLINE DE (11,30 a 12) . KAHOOT. ES UNA ACTIVIDAD VOLUNTARIA  (Pero muy divertida), ya hemos jugado otras veces y lo sabeis. Para jugar a este juego habrá que e ntrar el viernes en esta invitación de Skype a las 11,30am. INVITACION KAHOOT   (es una invitación diferente a la que usamos normalmente para las clases online, ya que esta vez estaremos invitados los 2 sextos) No se podrá conectar la cámara , pero si  el audio,  (Para que todos puedan ver las preguntas en la cámara del teacher). Se necesitarán 2 dispositivos , un dispositivo  para conectarse a Skype  y ver las preguntas, y  otro  dispositivo conectado a internet para introducir el codigo que se indique por Skype y  contestar las preguntas  (Movil, tablet...) Se puede también con 1 solo dispositivo,  habría que abrir Skype para ver las preguntas y una ventana del navegador para contestarlas. Intentaremos hacer 2 par...

GRADE 6A/6B (Friday 3rd April)

ESTE VIERNES NO HABRÁ VIDEOLLAMADAS PORQUE HAREMOS UN JUEGO ONLINE,  KAHOOT EASTER WATCH THE VIDEO AND ANSWER THE INTERACTIVE QUESTIONS - link "play modes" - select "interactive mode" - Start Enlace Video por si da problemas BOOK Read again, page 81 Online Exercise (Easter)

GRADE 6A / 6B (Thursday 2nd April)

EASTER WATCH THIS VIDEO (After watching, play the game) VIDEO / GAME BOOK Page Page 81 NOTEBOOK Page 81, Act.2 FREE GAMES easter eggs counting Easter Whats time Easter multiplication puzzle easter eggs hidden Easter egg candy Videollamada 6ºB (nº de Lista e Iniciales de alumn@s convocad@s) THURSDAY 1.- N.B.G. 2.- S.C.P. 3.-D.C.A. 4.-E.C.G. 5.- L.C.G. Videollamada 6ºA (nº de Lista e Iniciales de alumn@s convocad@s) Thursday 11.- C.M.N 12.- L.M.A. 13.- M.M.F. 14.- JE.N.C. 15.-MC.P.R.

GRADE 4 (Thursday 2nd April)

WATCH THIS VIDEO PLAY WITH THE EASTER VOCABULARY Easter (vocabulary) Online Exercise (Vocabulary) NOTEBOOK - Copy the date (Today is Thursday 2nd April) - Write the Title (EASTER) - Look at these pictures and find out 3 eggs in each picture. then, write sentences. Example: Example: It's next to the candle It's in front of the books It's next to the door. Picture 1 1.- 2.- 3.- Picture 2 1.- 2.- 3.- FREE GAMES easter eggs counting Easter Whats time Easter multiplication puzzle easter eggs hidden Easter egg candy Videollamada 4º  (nº de Lista e Iniciales de alumn@s convocad@s) Thursday 1.- E.C. 2.- D.F.C. 3.- A.F.G. 4.- I.G.M. 5.- J.G.T.

GRADE 3 (Thursday 2nd April)

WATCH THIS VIDEO Online Exercise (Vocabulary) NOTEBOOK - Copy the date (Today is Thursday 2nd April) - Write the Title (EASTER) - Look at these pictures and find out 3 eggs in each picture. then, write sentences. Example: Example: It's next to the candle It's in front of the books It's next to the door. Picture 1 1.- 2.- 3.- Picture 2 1.- 2.- 3.- Videollamada 3º (nº de Lista e Iniciales de alumn@s convocad@s) Thursday 4.- A.C.P. 5.- H.C.G. 6.- C.O.G. 7.- A.G.A. 8.- R.G.G. 9.- D.I.M 10.- I.J.L.

GRADE 6A /6B (Wednesday 1st April)

CONSULTA AQUÍ TU CALIFICACIÓN EN LA PRUEBA DEL LUNES CALIFICACIONES PRUEBA READING Read this text and answer the questions.        April Fool's Day  is celebrated on 1st April. It   is also called  All Fool's Day . The beginning of this tradition was in France in 1582. Nowadays, it is celebrated simultaneously in several countries. Moreover, it coincides with the first day of spring.         April Fool's Day is a "for-fun-only" observance. People don’t buy gifts or to take their family members out to eat in a restaurant. Nobody gets off work or school. It's simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant.      Jokes are a common practice on April Fool's Day. Sometimes, jokes are played on friends or relatives that last the entire day. April Fools' tricks include putting salt in sugar bowls and sugar in salt shakers, putting toothpaste between two slices of bread,getting u...

GRADE 3 (Wednesday 1st April)

NOTEBOOK Copy the date (Today is Wednesday , 1st April) - Draw these pictures and write their names. READ THE STORY ONLINE Exercise (Reading) PROJECT "EASTER" 1.- Draw 3 easter eggs 2.- Decorate and colour the Easter eggs 3.- Cut the eggs 4.- Hide the egg in your bedroom/living room/kitchen... 4.- Take a picture of the place that you've just hidden the eggs 5.- Send the picture by email ( inglesdilar@gmail.com ) Videollamada 3º (nº de Lista e Iniciales de alumn@s convocad@s) Wednesday 16.- Y.V.I 17.- N.V.O. 1.- FJ.A.M 2.- Y.B.M. 3.- G.B.F

GRADE 5 (Wednesday 1st April)

CONSULTA AQUÍ TU CALIFICACIÓN EN LA PRUEBA DEL MARTES CALIFICACIONES PRUEBA READING Read this text and answer the questions.       April Fool's Day is celebrated on 1st April. It is also called All Fool's Day . The beginning of this tradition was in France in 1582. Nowadays, it is celebrated simultaneously in several countries. Moreover, it coincides with the first day of spring.        April Fool's Day is a "for-fun-only" observance. People don’t buy gifts or to take their family members out to eat in a restaurant. Nobody gets off work or school. It's simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant.     Jokes are a common practice on April Fool's Day. Sometimes, jokes are played on friends or relatives that last the entire day. April Fools' tricks include putting salt in sugar bowls and sugar in salt shakers, putting toothpaste between two slices of bread,getting up during the night and setting ev...